Monday, July 15, 2013


At the request of a certain Auntie, here are some pics & a couple videos of the boys playing t-ball last week. As mentioned before, Brian is their coach & although it can be challenging trying to hold the attention of twelve 3-4 years olds & getting them to cooperate all together, he has done a really great job. He affectionately describes the task as 'herding cats' & that is quite what it is like! But I must say, they are darn cute & fun to watch. So here's for you, Auntie! ;)

The handsome coach!

Running bases for fun before the game.

Stretching before the game...
Perhaps the funniest part to watch!



Having fun!

Evie on the sidelines enjoying a cracker.

"Home plate, here I come!"

"Hmmm... which direction am I supposed to run again?"

Snacks after the game.

Some of the team.

And now a little batting & outfield for your viewing pleasure.


  1. thank you sooo much for posting these sister! made my week! :) the boys are so priceless! i wonder how ricky can see from under that hat! haha :)
