Tuesday, September 25, 2012

Serious Cuteness

Since Evie first started making noises she's had a signature growl/gargling sound that she seems to enjoy even more than talking. She is so stinking cute I just couldn't resist taking a little video of her!

As many of you know, Ben started soccer a few weeks back and because of horribly smokey air many of his practices and games have been cancelled. Thankfully, this past weekend was rather nice and the air was relatively clear so he was able to play in his 2nd soccer game. Unfortunately, he had a bit of a collision early on in the game that he wasn't quite sure how to handle so he only played for a couple minutes but, here is what I could get of Ben playing up until the dreadful collision! As you will notice, it really wasn't too bad of a bump but for some reason it just did Ben in for following 20 minutes! 

And of course we can't forget about sweet Ricky! I don't have a video to share, but this pic was taken one morning a while back on our front porch. He was watching some heavy machinery work on the road in front of our house and was quite enthralled. He was ready to hop up and help if ever they asked (notice the hammer and saw in hand)! Such a cute little bugger!

Monday, September 17, 2012

What We've Been Up To

Ben started soccer a couple weeks ago and absolutely loves it! He has one practice a week and one game a week. Unfortunately, his game this passed weekend was cancelled due to heavy smoke in the air but we're hoping to have it rescheduled. It's been a lot of fun watching him and Ricky has been enjoying it too. He gets to have snacks and play outside while we're at practice and games! 

Last week there was a day when neither of the boys took naps and as you can imagine they were pretty wiped out by the day's end. After dinner we gave them a bath and as tradition I wrapped them up in a towel and put them on the couch in front of a short movie. As usual, I took that as an opportunity to get jammies and clean out the bathtub and also feed a hungry little girl who refused to wait a second longer. By the time I came back into the living room to get the boys ready for bed this is what I saw accompanied by hearty snoring from our littlest! It was quite precious.

Yesterday we decided to make a bit of a retreat to Great Falls for a few hours. We had been cooped up in the house nearly all week because of the terrible smoke and thought a bit of fresh air and time out of the house would do us all a bit of good. So after church we drove for roughly one hour to our destination and walked around the mall for a bit (they have a huge Scheels Sports Brian was interested in) and also took them by the falls and to the fish hatchery after all of which we went to dinner before heading back home. We all had a great time and enjoyed the smoke-free air! 

And now for a bit of randomness...