Wednesday, December 29, 2010

Christmas and Other Highlights

I trust you all had a joyous Christmas and wish you good cheer as we welcome the New Year. Here are some highlights from our family this past month.

Uncle Jeff came to visit for Christmas and the boys really enjoyed him.

Three doting Grandmas on Christmas Day... Aren't they all so beautiful!

Our first completed Jesse Tree!


Reading stories with Grandma Schultz.

Our little boy's first Christmas... quite exciting!

This is a blanket I made for Brian out of all his old wrestling shirts that he couldn't bring himself to throw away. I figured it would be nicer to actually be able to put them to use in some form than have them collecting dust somewhere out of sight. I'm quite pleased with how it turned out!

A conversation with Uncle Jeff.

Brian got air sledding one afternoon. He was showing the young pups how it's done!

Grandpa even had fun sledding down the hill a couple times!

Sweet Boys

Cedric is really getting around these days!

Another set of doting Grandparents!

Spending time with Uncle Chris.

Cedric really enjoys bath time these days.

Ben was so wiped one day that he fell asleep on the arm of the couch after putting his snow boots on. This is after I tried to give him a nap in his bed - the kid just won't fall asleep during the day unless it's on his own terms!

Monday, December 13, 2010

We Can Laugh About It Now

A couple weeks ago we went with our dear friends, the Koenen's, on our annual tree hunting expedition. Since Brian and I have been married, we've held this tradition and have greatly enjoyed romping through the woods to find the perfect tree and haul it home. However, this year gave us an adventure we weren't quite ready for.

We left in the morning with our friends and headed to the same location we had gone the year before with plans to be home by noon with our lovely trees. We were all bundled up and already thinking about getting home to decorate with a nice cup of hot cocoa in hand. All was going well with everyone in high spirits until we got a little ways down the backroad that would lead us to our destination. The snow was getting fairly deep and we were breaking trail and weren't sure if we were going to be able to make to the forest service access that we needed to. But after Brian and Sam discussed the situation, it was decided that we would try to push on as far as we could because we needed to get up and around the corner before we could even think about cutting a tree down, and it was too far of a walk with four little kids in tow.

So we continued on and made it a little further up the mountain but afraid to go any further on our own, we stopped. Just then, a huge group of off-road vehicles came up behind us and they broke trail ahead of us. So we decided that since we now had tracks to follow we could probably keep going and make it a little further up the road. So we journeyed on, but not for long. With a large jerk and a bump we slid out of the tracks and off the road... we were stuck! And when I say stuck, I don't mean "get out and push" stuck, I mean "how in the world are we going to get out of this" stuck! We were up to the wheel wells in snow and actually had to push snow away with the door in order to get it open. Thankfully there were a few off-road vehicles still behind us, so one of them plowed their way around the other cars to our rescue. This thing was absolutely amazing, by the way. It could plow through snow better than a four-wheeler. It was like a snowmobile with four wheels... crazy! Anyhow, this vehicle had a wench on the front of it so they hooked it up to the front of our truck and worked on getting us unstuck for about 1 1/2 hours . Meanwhile the kids and I sat in the truck, ate snacks, sang songs, and watched all the men sweating, shoveling, and working to get us back on the road... The kids were amazing by the way! They didn't cry hardly at all.

Once we finally got back on track, it was decided to be a bit crazy for us to attempt this trek up the hill for a tree, so we slowly worked our way back down hill. Fortunately, during our excavation we had gotten turned around on the road and were faced downhill, but the Koenen's still faced uphill so they had to drive backwards. We got about a mile down hill when we were stopped by two trucks who had gotten stuck in the road. So Brian and Sam went to help while the rest of us waited... for another 1 1/2 hours! It was quite the process getting 3 vehicles unstuck who were all trying to back down the hill in deep snow! Brian (my hero) walked down the hill a little ways and shoveled out a large area on the side of the road for the vehicles to turn around in. You could say he got his fair share of a work out in on this day! So, about 3 1/2 hours after we had begun our journey up the hill, we were finally leaving... without our Christmas trees. The thought of making another attempt to get our own trees (even if we went somewhere else) was highly unappealing to most of us at this point, so after we got home Sam and Brian went and bought us some beautiful fragrant trees in town. So, the day wasn't a complete disaster... or so we thought.

Brian got the tree home and we had a nice relaxing dinner with the kids. All was well until we attempted to set our very full and very heavy tree into one of the two tree stands we had. One of the stands is apparently not very high quality because the weight of the tree started to bend the legs. The tree wouldn't stand up straight no matter what we did! After much frustration and work (mostly on Brian's part) he decided to take the tree outside into the frigid cold and saw off some of the trunk so it would fit into our other and much smaller tree stand. We hauled it back inside leaving quite the trail of needles behind us and made another attempt at putting up our tree. Brian did a good job cutting the trunk because the tree fit into the stand, but it hadn't been cut quite enough for the stump to sit on the bottom of the stand. Therefore, it wasn't very stable if left alone. It was my job to hold onto the tree while Brian secured it in the stand, but of course I got distracted with our two little boys and lost my grip on the tree. Before I knew it, the tree was lying on the floor. It must have gotten angry at me for letting it fall over because it threw an amazing amount of needles onto the floor (as if there weren't enough already). At this point, Brian and I were both beyond frustrated and it was even stated that we were ready to be done with Christmas altogether (ridiculous, I know). So, we propped the tree up against some chairs and after getting the kids to bed and taking a half hour to cool off, Brian decided to go to town and buy a big sturdy tree stand that would support our stout tree so we could be done with it! In the meantime, I made an attempt to clean up a ridiculous amount of needles that had been scattered all over the house. Brian brought home a great tree stand that does its job beautifully and he also brought home a whole new attitude that was a great blessing to me at the time.

So, after an entire day of exasperation over a single silly tree, we finally got it put up, lighted, and decorated... and it's beautiful! I know God must have been teaching us something that day. But what???

I still don't know, but at least we can get a good laugh now!

Our beautiful tree... which we really enjoy now by the way!

Monday, November 29, 2010

Advent Begins

Yesterday was the first day of advent... the time of year when we count down in anticipation of the coming celebration of the birth of our Lord Jesus Christ. This year I made advent stockings to help the kids get an idea that this time of year is extra special. There is a "special treat", as Ben calls them, in each stocking and every night after dinner he gets to pick the appropriate stocking and dig out his treat. In addition, we are also doing an advent tree and a bit of liturgy each night. We're hoping it will be a lot of fun for the kids each year. I, personally, am already getting really excited for Christmas and all it's festivities this year.

“When I think of Christmas Eves, Christmas feasts, Christmas songs, and Christmas stories, I know that they do not represent a short or transient gladness. Instead, they speak of a joy unspeakable and full of glory. God loved the world and sent His Son. Whosoever believes in Him will not perish, but have everlasting life. That is Christmas joy. That is the Christmas spirit.” Corrie ten Boom

“It is in the old Christmas carols, hymns, and traditions—those which date from the Middle Ages—that we find not only what makes Christmas poetic and soothing and stately, but first and foremost what makes Christmas exciting. The exciting quality of Christmas rests on an ancient and admitted paradox. It rests upon the paradox that the power and center of the whole universe may be found in some seemingly small matter, that the stars in their courses may move like a moving wheel around the neglected outhouse of an inn.” G. K. Chesterton

Sunday, November 28, 2010

Our Thanksgiving Weekend

This Thanksgiving we were planning on driving over to Helena to spend the holiday with Grandma and Grandpa G. (as the kids call them) but due to all the snow, cold, and bad roads we decided to play it safe and stay home. So Brian stopped at the grocery store and picked up a few things so we could throw together a last minute Thanksgiving dinner; which, to our pleasant surprise, turned out rather nice. Of course we missed spending the day with our family, but thankfully they were able to come into our neck of the woods to visit on Friday. Uncle Chris and Aunt Aubrey (as the kids call them) were also in town for the weekend so we tried to spend as much time with them as we could. In addition to all this, my mom had us over on Friday night for a delicious turkey dinner. And to top it all off, Brian got 4 days off work which we've all enjoyed very much. We couldn't have asked for a nicer weekend!

Here are a few shots of all the festivities:

This young owl was perched just outside our house.
It was quite beautiful and fearless.

Our little bundle of lovins... Don't those cheeks look so kissable?!
OK - maybe it's just a mother's thing.

Our neighbor's family was in town for the holiday so we went to visit for a bit. Ricky really enjoyed Darwin the dog - he was all smiles and giggles.

While we were visiting our friends, Ben decorated cookies with Tjabe.

He had fun with the gum-drops!

We also decorated some cookies at home for something to do on a cold wintery day.

As they were playing with a new craft Ben got, he spilled the so called "spill-proof" water cup all over, which promptly gave Auntie the giggles.

"Auntie, you have no idea how crazy my mom is?!" Ben says seriously.
"Oh! Yes I do!" She replies with a smirk.

The whole gang

Sunday, November 21, 2010

A Birthday Weekend

This weekend we celebrated Ben's 2nd Birthday. Because of this, we have been particularly reminded of what an incredible blessing he is to our family. We are so thankful that God gave him to us and for the sweet, smart, and gentle yet spirited boy God has molded him into. It's been so much fun watching him learn and grow and change these last couple years and we eagerly look forward to seeing what's in store for him this coming year and the years to follow.

Ben's actual birthday was on Friday but because of the way things worked out, the festivities lasted through Saturday night... he had quite a lot of fun I would say! Instead of trying to tell you about it in words, here are pictures to summarize the last couple days.

Yummy carrot cake with cream cheese frosting!

This year, Papa didn't have to help much when it came time to open gifts. Ben figured it out rather quickly.

"Come on... Let me at it! It's my turn to open a present."

The Koenen Family gave Ben a train set - he LOVES it to say the least. We had to get it out right away to play with.

Pizza for dinner... no complaints from the kids.

"Mmmm... I can taste it already!"

Ben and Maggie were quite the pair at the table. When one would do something silly the other would copy and they would both giggle... it made for an interesting meal!

It's a little hard to believe that two 2 year olds would sit still together for the reading of a book. Guess Grandpa has the magic touch!

A complete set of brand new snow duds - pretty schnazzy if you ask me.

Down the hill and under the Papa-made bridge.
(It's a good thing Ben's not any taller!)

Ben and Papa had fun exploring.

"Weeeee... This is so much fun!"

"One more time." he kept saying.

It's especially nice when other people will do all the work of pulling you up hill. Judging by the smile on his face, even that was a lot of fun for him!

"Thanks, Papa. This was fun. We should definitely do it again some time... SOON!"

Monday, November 15, 2010

4 Years and Counting!

On Friday, Brian and I celebrated our 4th anniversary! Praise the Lord for His grace and mercy and for blessing us so abundantly.

I surprised Brian on Thursday night with some fresh homemade Butterscotch Sticky Buns. I was quite pleased with how they turned out as I had never made them before and they were quite pleasing to the eye so I couldn't resist taking a couple pics to share with you. Friday afternoon we drove over to Butte so his folks could watch the boys while Brian took me to "the Uptown" for dinner. Going to this restaurant has become our annual anniversary tradition - it was quite wonderful. We were able to sit and have an uninterrupted conversation and treat our taste buds to an absolutely delicious full course meal and a bottle of Chianti! To top it off, we went back to the house and finished our evening by soaking in the hot tub before crawling into bed. I'm already looking forward to next year!

Monday, November 8, 2010

Ricky Rides Lester

A week or so ago Ricky took his turn riding on Lester the Lion for the first time. Ben was a helpful big brother, shared his treasured toy very well, and enjoyed "scooting" Ricky around. Here's a video of the fun and also a couple cute photos:

"Hey! This is fun!"