Friday, January 29, 2010

Appreciating God's Creation

A couple of cold mornings ago I went outside to let our car warm up and as soon as I stepped out of the door was welcomed by a beautiful unusual thing. There were little ice crystals sticking up all over the side of the house, the railing, and the stairway looking like mini swords that were prepared for battle. Yes, I know this is a simple thing, but it's not normal for us to get ice crystals like this, and besides, aren't the simplest things in this world the most beautiful? I couldn't help but take a few pictures of these soldiers to share with you.

Thursday, January 28, 2010

Let's Get Going!

Ben's new thing lately has been bringing Brian and I our shoes. The only problem is that he often gets them mixed up and brings me Brian's shoes, etc. I think it's his way of letting us know he's ready to get going... somewhere... anywhere. He will also bring me his coat when he really wants to go outside. Here's a picture of Ben with shoe in hand letting us know he's ready to go to church. By the way, his two new words are "a bath" and "apple". Although the untrained ear probably wouldn't recognized them as such. It's pretty exciting watching him change and grow right before your eyes!

Monday, January 25, 2010

The Debut

Welcome to the debut of our new chef!

He's a top notch cook who is very careful to choose just the right ingredients to make a meal delectable. He's wowed his patrons and the variety of creations he puts out is astonishing. Did I mention that his menu is quite affordable and he is adorable to boot? Bon Appetite!

Friday, January 22, 2010

He's Got the Giggles

The other night Brian was playing with Ben on the floor before bedtime and the boy got the kind of giggles that I just had to share. There's just something about a baby's laugh...

... and yes, that is me snorting by the way. (A lovely sound for a grown woman to make, right???)

Sunday, January 17, 2010

And the Doctor Says...

IT'S A HEALTHY BOY!!! According to our ultrasound, Benjamin is going to have a little brother come May and everything looks good and is going along as it should. Praise the Lord!
We got a recording of his heartbeat and wanted to share it with you, but since I'm not real tech savvy couldn't figure out how to make it available on the blog... bummer. I know you all are dying to hear it just as we were. ;)
Anyway, things are well and we are extremely thankful for all the blessings in our life. We can't wait for the arrival of Cedric Boniface (that's his name by the way).

Tuesday, January 5, 2010

Dapper Boy

Last Sunday Ben wore the new outfit he got for Christmas from Grandpa and Grandma Schultz... and boy was he handsome! I couldn't resist sharing a photo of our boy looking so dapper. He wouldn't hold still to get his picture taken if you can imagine so this is the best we could do.