Wednesday, November 2, 2011

Recent Fun

Here's a new line of pics from the last few weeks. Hope you're all enjoying the lovely beginnings of winter!

One of the fun things we did with the boys on Reformation Day was bake and decorate cupcakes. Well, let me rephrase that, I baked the cupcakes, Ben decorated the cupcakes (notice the huge pile of sprinkles), and Cedric helped us eat them!

Papa and his boys enjoying a book at a bedtime.

Ben has been learning to cut with scissors and loves to cut paper into the smallest pieces possible... and leave them scattered all over the house!


  1. hahahaha! I seriously laughed out loud at some of these photos! :o) Love the boys to death! Miss you all! Hope you and Brian enjoy your vacation! Love you!

  2. Oh my gosh those are 2 of the most adorable little boys on the planet... & it's NOT just cuz I'm their gramma!! They are just too cute for words. Thx for posting my sweet daughter! Love you all.... Mom
