Wednesday, July 6, 2011

A Bit of Catching Up

We've been busy this summer with all kinds of randomness so I haven't had much opportunity to post. In fact, I should probably be getting stuff done around the house right now instead of messing around on the computer because the kids and I are leaving tomorrow for a quick weekend trip and the house is a wreck... but oh well! Here are some photos capturing some of the things that have been keeping us busy lately. Hope you all are having a splendid summer!

We celebrated Mom Schultz's birthday this last week by traveling to Butte and having a delicious meal of grilled kabobs and various salads. It was a great time!

The grill master at work... Dad's kabobs were WONDERFUL!

Mom and Dad took us all to the the carnival and we all had a great time... especially Ben. He loved riding in these little cars!

Ricky mostly watched all the fun and wasn't quite sure what to think of everything. Here he is waving at Ben as he rides by on the cars.

"This place is a Mad House!"

Grandpa helped Ben on nearly all the rides... they had fun if you can't tell!

Ricky rode the Ferris Wheel also but refused to sit on the horse and didn't crack a smile the entire time. He didn't know what to think!

Brian has been working on building the kids a rather extensive play set. He has worked very hard on it and Ben likes to help. Here they are hard at work.

A little rest and time to visit.

Here's a great shot of the boys one afternoon after playing quite hard in the water, dirt, and heat. Still happy as clams but quite ready for naps. I sure love these boys!

1 comment:

  1. Oh my gosh! They are too stinkin cute!!! I can not WAIT to see you tomorrow! I love you all!
