Wednesday, May 25, 2011

A Little More Randomness

Helping Papa mow the lawn... Ben is such a good helper!

Cedric's first ride on a four-wheeler.
He wasn't quite sure what to think of it.

"Geesh, Mom. It's a bit windy on this thing!"

All smiles and mess.
Evidence of a boy who's played hard and had fun!

"Mmmmm. Yummy banana bread batter!"
Ben is a great help in the kitchen when it comes to baking. Probably because he likes the special reward of eating the batter before it goes into the oven... I wonder where he could have possibly learned that!


  1. lol..too funny! I love Ricky's expression on the four-wheeler! :o) And as for Ben and eating the batter...hmmm..I do wonder where he learned that from!?! lol. hehe. Love you all! P.S....Chris wants to know if that is your guys fourwheeler. lol. We didn't know you guys had one.

  2. Nope... not ours. We're borrowing it from Brian's parents to do some work around the house.
