Sunday, November 21, 2010

A Birthday Weekend

This weekend we celebrated Ben's 2nd Birthday. Because of this, we have been particularly reminded of what an incredible blessing he is to our family. We are so thankful that God gave him to us and for the sweet, smart, and gentle yet spirited boy God has molded him into. It's been so much fun watching him learn and grow and change these last couple years and we eagerly look forward to seeing what's in store for him this coming year and the years to follow.

Ben's actual birthday was on Friday but because of the way things worked out, the festivities lasted through Saturday night... he had quite a lot of fun I would say! Instead of trying to tell you about it in words, here are pictures to summarize the last couple days.

Yummy carrot cake with cream cheese frosting!

This year, Papa didn't have to help much when it came time to open gifts. Ben figured it out rather quickly.

"Come on... Let me at it! It's my turn to open a present."

The Koenen Family gave Ben a train set - he LOVES it to say the least. We had to get it out right away to play with.

Pizza for dinner... no complaints from the kids.

"Mmmm... I can taste it already!"

Ben and Maggie were quite the pair at the table. When one would do something silly the other would copy and they would both giggle... it made for an interesting meal!

It's a little hard to believe that two 2 year olds would sit still together for the reading of a book. Guess Grandpa has the magic touch!

A complete set of brand new snow duds - pretty schnazzy if you ask me.

Down the hill and under the Papa-made bridge.
(It's a good thing Ben's not any taller!)

Ben and Papa had fun exploring.

"Weeeee... This is so much fun!"

"One more time." he kept saying.

It's especially nice when other people will do all the work of pulling you up hill. Judging by the smile on his face, even that was a lot of fun for him!

"Thanks, Papa. This was fun. We should definitely do it again some time... SOON!"

1 comment:

  1. I love the sledding pictures! So adorable! We'll have to have a sledding date sometime.
