Friday, October 8, 2010

Visiting Great GrandMary

A couple weeks ago we went over to my grandma's house (GrandMary to the boys) and had dinner. It was quite fun for all of us. Ben had a cheering squad during dinner that he got quite a kick out of, Cedric got a fun pony ride from GrandMary with singing to go along with it, and we all got to eat a tastey supper together. Here are a few pics from our enjoyable evening.

Thanks Grandma for having us over - we love you so much!

"GrandMary is so much FUN!"

Ben had fun playing with this fire truck. He liked to watch it roll down the hill.

Grandma has a nice flower garden alongside her front porch. These are some of the sunflowers growing up her railing... so pretty!


  1. fun fun fun! cedric just keeps growing and growing! give them hugs from me:o) muah!

  2. What a great picture of GrandMary & Cedric... they're both just glowing! Sooo cute!! I know she loves every minute of having you guys there... such a treat for her (you are a good grandaughter Beth)! love u - Momma
