Saturday, October 2, 2010

Bubba & Buster - Quite the Pair!

Here they are, our very own Bubba Tootskie and Buster Rooskie, recently showing some brotherly affection. It's nothing too exciting for most, but it's too cute not to share!

Can anyone tell me how I managed to invoke such different emotional reactions from my two children? One is expressing complete joy in laughter and the other fear. Hmmm... I guess you can tell already which one takes me seriously!

You can sure tell they're brothers!

"Momma look! I'm holding brother all by myself!"


  1. I'm guessing Cedric isn't showing fear but rather that disbelief look he has when seeing something strange for the first time. Were you making a strange face or sound? Remember him making that face when I buzzed my lips at him? Mom S

  2. CUTE CUTE pics Beth! SO adorable! Thanks for always being so diligent to share... love u ~ Momma
