Thursday, July 29, 2010

Ricky's Meet & Greet

Yes, Ricky is Cedric's nickname. It's simple enough that Ben can pronounce it and say it regularly when talking to or about his brother so it's just kind of stuck. Anyway, this last weekend my mom and my lovely friend, Catherine, hosted a meet and greet for friends & family to come and celebrate Cedric's arrival (and for those who had not met him yet it was an opportunity for them to do so). It was very nice and we had a good turn out of people I had not seen in a while. Ben had a lot of fun playing with his Auntie and cousins (even though they were all girls) but thankfully there was one little boy that came who is the same age as Ben. Here are some photos from the weekend.

A couple nice shots from Mom's backyard. (above)

Playing in the dirt!

The Man of the Hour

Ben's little friend Jaxon

That lovely friend of mine I mentioned earlier!

Ricky with cousin Gracie

Ricky with Auntie Livie
(can you tell that he loves the attention?!)

This one might need a little explaining! Ben loves to push just about anything around that he can find (little lawnmowers, boxes, Lester the Lion, cars, etc.), so he couldn't resist pushing this stroller around Grandma's house when he found it (even though it is pink). It's a good thing Papa wasn't around for this! ;)
Notice how comfortable Baby doll looks!

In the arms of proud Great Grand Mary


  1. guys look like you had a great time. I can't believe how big 'ricky' and Ben are getting!!! Only one more week and I get to see you guys! YAY!!!! Love Auntie A

  2. Can't wait to see you, Sis! Thanks for all your comments.

  3. Your posts are always so fun Beth ~ you take such great photos & write the sweetest stories! Thanks for being so diligent about sharing... it is such a treat! (LOVE the pic of Liv with Cedric... his little grin is priceless!) love you ~ Mom xoxo
