Friday, August 28, 2009

Life with Plants and a Mobile Child

So, a couple of nights ago as I was throwing some clothes in the laundry I heard a big crash in the living room. As I rushed out to see if my precious child was alright, I discovered one of my plants scattered all over the floor with the stand it had been sitting on still propped on top of Ben's head. He had been scooting around in his walker and accidentally backed up into the plant stand knocking it over - needless to say he was fine but a little surprised at what had just happened and getting a little irritated with this thing pressing down on his head. I was a little annoyed at the mess of dirt and muddy water spread all over my carpet and that I was now going to have to clean instead of cook dinner for my hungry family, but I told myself, "Ok, Ben's fine and accidents like this are bound to happen... No big deal." So I picked up the plant and the stand and set them aside so I could take care of business. Then, as I was mindlessly vacuuming like I'd done so many times before, I bumped into that same plant stand and sent the plant flying through the air again to land on the only clean part of my carpet... This pushed me off the edge and into the abyss of aggravation! But, I got my act semi-put-together and started cleaning all over again. This time I thought I'd be smarter by placing the plant on the kitchen counter where none of us could knock it over again! After getting all the dirt picked up and the muddy water sopped up as much as possible there were still mud stains all over my carpet so I called Catherine downstairs and she came to my rescue by lending me their mini carpet cleaner. It worked beautifully and I felt much better having completed my task and seeing my house back to normal order. So, I went into the kitchen to empty the vacuum bag into the garbage can not noticing that my curious and mobile child had followed me. Before I knew it, I heard another loud crash with an infant's cry immediately following. I look back and saw that menace of a plant lying scattered all over the floor... AGAIN!!! Ben had grabbed the vine of the plant out of curiosity and pulled it right off the counter. So much for my being smart about moving it where it couldn't be knocked over again! This time it landed right on Ben and I'm assuming from his cry that the pot hit him in the head - he had dirt covering every inch of his body. At the sight of this third disastrous mess even Brian was getting annoyed (probably mostly because I was over it and asked him to clean up so I could give Ben a bath... he's such a great husband!). 

Isn't life grand! Praise God for plants and curious mobile children.

Here's Ben after the last episode covered in dirt. 
Notice the loving nurturing look on my face - priceless!

1 comment:

  1. You do look annoyed! But the fact that you could laugh about it the same day shows that you have a much better character than I do! This post really lives up to your blog name... (and I like the cookies in the background).
