Wednesday, November 13, 2013

Out of the Mouths of Babes

When we first moved into our house a few years ago I made throw pillows for our couches & from the beginning they NEVER managed to stay on the couch for longer than ten minutes at a time. More often than not they would be scattered across the living room floor being crawled over & jumped on by the little people in our house. It is something that has driven us a bit crazy, especially Brian. Well, the other night Ben & Cedric decided to have a pillow fight with these pillows by throwing them across the room at each other & this is the brief conversation that took place:

Brian: "What are you doing?!?"

Ben & Cedric: "We're having a pillow fight!!!"

Brian: "It's not ok to throw those pillows in the house."

Ben: "But I thought they were called throw pillows?"

HA!! We never even thought of it that way!

1 comment:

  1. LOL... that's an absolute riot! What a smart little bugger! Ha! Thanks for the chuckle. :D Gramma P
