Friday, February 24, 2012

Lots Going On

We've had a lot going on as of late and have only been home a handful of days in the last month. At the end of last month Brian's Mom was hit by a pickup as she was walking in a parking lot and ended up having to get three large screws put in her hip. As a result she has been forbidden to put any weight on her right leg for 6 weeks! Thus, we packed up and headed over to Butte to stay with them and help out for a while so Brian's Dad could get back to work. I won't get into all the details but will mention that she is a very strong woman and is healing and doing remarkably well. The boys and I really enjoyed getting to spend some good time with her.

In addition to spending a lot of time in Butte, we also made another trip to Billings to see our doctors and get an update on how our sweet baby girl is doing. Praise the Lord she is growing beautifully and we were given the OK by one of our doctors to deliver her in Billings rather than having to travel to Denver. If all goes well with her transition into life then we'll actually be able to bring her home before her first surgery which could be postponed until between 1 & 2 months! We were quite excited and encouraged by this news. For this trip we brought the boys with us and stayed with my sister and her husband. The boys did great and for some out of the ordinary fun we took them to Chuck-e-cheese for the first time... they had a ball!!!

Here are some random pics from the last month.

Mom and the boys snuggled up to watch a movie.


Our handsome boys at breakfast one morning:

Evelyn's bed!
In the little time we've been home, we've managed to start getting her room put together. It's really fun and a little weird seeing little girl stuff being introduced into our home!