Wednesday, October 21, 2009

Dragon Boy

The other day I got a box down out of the garage that contained books and other things from when I was little and I found this dragon cape that Aubrey and I used to play with. It's just the right size for Ben so I decided to put it on him and see how he liked it. Here are the results:

The name is actually quite fitting. He's very good at terrorizing the kitchen as you can well see!


Friday, October 16, 2009


So, Ben and I are both sick... Nothing serious I hope, just a cold, but it's not much fun none-the-less. Brian stayed home from work today to take care of us and we have both been very appreciative (especially me). The extra rest has certainly been nice considering I'm pregnant and fighting a cold. By the way, for everyone who doesn't know, we are expecting our second baby Schultz! We are very excited to say the least!

So, that's about all this update will consist of. I thought that since I've been so neglectful the past few weeks I should at least drop a little line. Hope all is well for all of you and that you're maintaining good health.