Saturday, December 21, 2013

Ben's First Christmas Program

Yesterday morning Ben had his first Christmas program. It went well & he remembered the words to all four of his songs like a champ! Thought I would share a little of it with you. . . enjoy!

Merry Christmas from our family to yours!

Thursday, December 12, 2013

Out of the Mouths of Babes

Tonight as Brian was doing our daily Advent reading:

Brian (reading): "Then Moses turned and went down from the mountain with the two tablets of the testimony in his hand."

Ben (interrupting): "What are tablets?"

Brian: "They are large slabs of stone..."

Ben (interrupting again): "Oh! I thought they were like a Kindle."

HA! We don't even own a Kindle! This kid cracks us up!

Sunday, December 8, 2013

Some Serious Catching Up!

So A LOT has happened since the last post I made on here & that is precisely why I've not had the chance to post in a while! Instead of writing a book about all the happenings, I'll let all the pictures do the talking.

Our biggest boy turned 5!
How wonderfully God has blessed us with the gift of our Ben. We love him incredibly!

The birthday boy & the cake of his choosing.

Driving the cars in the "mud"!

Decorating his birthday treats for school.
Can you tell that someone likes sprinkles?!

They love Auntie Aubrey!

There is a serious shoe fetish around here!
Evie especially enjoys putting on big people shoes. It happens at least once almost daily!

A Thanksgiving Vacation to Phoenix!
In summary, the kids did amazing on the airplane & thoroughly enjoyed seeing their Uncle Jeff. 
We all had a lovely time & enjoyed our adventure!